Saturday, September 29, 2007

C# Primer: A Practical Approach

By Stanley B. Lippman
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Number Of Pages: 400Publication

Date: 2001-12-10Sales Rank: 563623

ISBN / ASIN: 0201729555

EAN: 0785342729559

Binding: Paperback

Manufacturer: Addison-Wesley Professional

Studio: Addison-Wesley Professional
Good C# introduction for experienced programmers
Lippman’s C# Primer assumes that the reader knows C++ or Java. It does not cover basic language constructs so it is not a good choice as a first C# book for people that have not programmed before. The first four chapters include many good insights into the C# language from a professional programmer’s point of view. These are hard to find in other texts and make this book worthwhile. A future edition should concentrate on including more language insights and less on WinForms or ASP.NET specifics that are covered better on other texts. Probably some basics should be included to expand its appeal to new programmers.

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